Olga Shonia
- Education
Contact Information
- 614-236-6741
- oshonia@gt5cheats.com
- Ruff Learning Center 233
Dr. Olga N. Shonia received her degree in Educational Policy Studies from Indiana University (Bloomington), and her degrees in Linguistics and TESOL from Russia and Norway. While at Indiana University, she began her work at Cultural Immersion Projects, which she continues at Capital University through Intercultural Student Teaching Program - a program that offers overseas and Navajo Reservation student teaching options to Capital University students. Her main research interests are internationalization of teacher education and TESOL, ESL/ENL literacy and advocacy.M.S.: History and Philosophy of Education (2009) Indiana University
Ph.D.: Linguistics and TESOL (1996) Ivanovo State University (Russia)/Oslo University (Norway)
Shonia, O., & Michael, M. (2020). SIOP + UDL = Access: Removing Barriers through Language Objectives. Ohio TESOL Journal. Fall 2020.
Shonia, O. & Michael, M. (2019). The Interaction of the SIOP model and The Universal Design for Learning Approach using Lesson Language Objectives. Proceedings for The 16th biennial International Association of Special Education Conference, Magambe, Tanzania. Pp. 81-83.
Shonia, O. (2017). Community Partnerships that Matter: Refugee Families Welcome Team. Ohio TESOL Journal. Spring 2017, Vol 9, No.1.
Hinderliter-Ortloff, D., & Shonia, O. (2015). Teacher Conceptualizations of Global Citizenship: Global Immersion Experiences and Implications for the Empathy/Threat Dialectic. In B. Maguth and J. Hilburn (Eds). The State of Global Education: Learning with the World and its People. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group.
Shonia, O. & Bendure, P. (2015). Culturally Relevant Read-Aloud: Expanding Readers’ Language Experiences and Cultural Awareness. The Case of Somali Literature. Ohio TESOL Journal. Spring Issue.
Shonia, O. & Stachowski, L. (2014). Standing the test of time: Overseas student teaching lasting impact on participants’ perspectives and practices. In J. Phillion, S. Sharma and J. Rahatzad (Eds.), Internationalizing Teacher Education for Social Justice: Theory, Research, and Practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Michael, M., & Shonia, O. (2012). Effective Teaching Manual: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Strategies.
Hossler, D., Shonia, O., Winkle-Wagner, R. (2007). A Policy Analysis of the Status of Access and Equity for Tertiary Education in Russia. European Education. Summer, 39/02, pp.83-102. M.E. Sharpe Inc.